In the day and age of the toy store going bye-bye, think Toys R Us, there is a toy store that is re-opening in a BIG way. See what I did there? Do you rem"ember the movie with Tom Hanks, "Big?" The movie that had Hanks dancing on a very large piano was filmed in the original FAO Scwarz. The new location is in Rockefeller Plaza with the hours of Monday-Saturday, 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM and Sunday, 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. 

The new store is 2 1/2 stories and more than 20,000 square feet of everything that you or a kid could imagine, including a candy store. According to a press release, the giant piano from the movie has also returned as well as new retail partners, Build a Bear, Hape Music, Hasbro, Marvin's Magic, Barbie/Mattel and others.

Did you shop at the previous FAO Schwarz? What was your favorite memory from shopping there?

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