Does Do You Want This Means It’s Free?
Talk about an embarrassing situation.
If you don't know, I am recently divorced and when I moved out of my house about 7 months ago, I moved to an apartment that is fully furnished which was perfect at the time but now I'm starting to look for a new place that I can fill up with all of my own stuff. Trying to get a fresh start.
Most of the people in my life know what I'm going through and have offered to help with all kinds of furniture donations, which I soooo appreciate.
Anyway a few weeks ago someone that I work with here at the station sent me a text message that said, "Yo, are you interested in this dresser. Do you want this?" and then she sent a picture.
I replied "Yeah, I'll take it" and we set up a day and time for me to come and pick up. So I went to grab it last week with a friend and when I got to her house and went inside to grab the dresser she surprised the heck out of me when she said, "I paid like $200 for it a long time ago, just give me $30 for it". I was frozen for a second and started to scramble and was like "I forgot my wallet at home, can I give it to you on Monday?" She said sure no problem.
$30...I thought "Do you want this, meant it's free, right? I did give her the money the other day but I feel like I got scammed...LOL. What do you guys think, does "Do you want this" means its free? Call the show at 845-473-9431 or send us a message on Facebook.
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