Do You Tip the Cable Guy?
If you listen to the Wakin' Up with CJ and Jess Show, first THANK YOU, second, by now you know that I have moved into a new apartment for the third time in the last year and a half. If you have ever been through a divorce or a break up, you know where I'm coming from.
Well I finally found a place that I plan on staying at for at least a full year, LOL at least I hope that's the case. Now normally I'm a pretty good judge on who I am supposed to tip when it comes to having things done.
I know to tip the guy who cuts my hair, the food delivery person, the DJ that does my next wedding (LOL), every bartender and waiter or waitress. I tipped each of the guys that I hired to move my stuff from one place to the other. Yes I am a big fan of tipping, why? It stands for To Insure Proper Service, right T.I.P.S.
Here is my situation, I have the cable guy coming to install cable and turn the WIFI on at my new place this week and I can't remember if it's proper etiquette to tip the tech who does the installation.
When you had your cable installed did you tip? If you did how much did you tip?
Call or text us because I don't want to be the guy that didn't tip when I was supposed to, yes it may sound small to you but its one of those things for me.