We talked on the show this morning about how there were some important people at the radio station this morning and that we needed to be on our best behavior.

Well our good behavior didn't get Jess and I any brownie points with anyone. As you will see, like we say on the show all the time, we don't think anybody in our building even knows that we are here.

We both made many attempts at trying to be a part of the fun and it just never worked out. BOOOO!!!

If you don't believe us take a look at this....

SEE! We got nothing. Jess didnt even get recgonized as the former employee of the month, nothing!

After we release this shocking video we hope to at least get invited to the breakfast party next time. C'mon we like bagels and fruit too.

Thank god we have you guys and gals that wake up with us every morning! Without you we would really be by ourselves.

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