Move over Nessy Ireland may have a sea creature of it's own soon. It seems the warming waters around Ireland are causing Moray Eels to visit the Irish coast. It is obviously the place to go in 2016 so why not win yourself a trip to Ireland in November from the Wolf.

You still have lots of chances to get qualifies for the Wolf Mahoney's Emerald Isle Escape. The Wolf, Mahoney's Irish Pub and Steak House and CDT Travel want to send you to Ireland in November.

This once in a life time trip will take you to some of the best places in Ireland. With round trip airfare this 5 day 4 night trip will be a fun and exciting way to see the Emerald Isle whether you have already been there or this is your first visit.

The Wolf gives you three chances a day to get qualified. Listen to CJ and Jess at 8:30 am, Me at 12:30 pm and Beth at 3:30 pm for your chance to be the ninth caller to the Wolf listener line. Once your qualified you are invite to the big qualifiers party at Mahoney's where the winner will be selected.

If you don't get qualified to win you can still go on the trip. CDT Travel has put together a great package which is very affordable. Check out the details and think about it for your next vacation.

Everyone and everything wants to go to Ireland. Don't believe me check out the latest sea creature to take up residence.

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