Today marks the 14th anniversary of the the day that changed the world forever. September 11th, 2001 was a day I, like many others will never forget. We talked a little this morning about how out of such tragedy brought everyone together, how we as a country joined together to pick up the pieces.

Yesterday, something amazing happened. On the eve of the 14th anniversary of 9/11 a double rainbow appeared over One World Trade Center. Social media was abuzz yesterday with beautiful pictures, that gave me chills. Take a look at some of the great shots our fellow New Yorkers took:

I'm nerdy when it comes to  meanings and signs. So after a quick Google search, here are what some say seeing a Rainbow translates to:


Seeing those meanings and attaching them to the photos from yesterday makes today, even though somber, a little easier. Please take some time today to remember all those lost 14 years ago in New York City, Pennsylvania and Washington DC.

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