Air Conditioners Available for Hudson Valley Households With a Medical Need
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Hazy, hot, and humid days are coming and with them come uncomfortable stickiness, breathing difficulties, and, at times, dangerous conditions especially for the elderly and very young.
Today, in an effort to help New Yorkers who may have medical conditions that are severely impacted by such weather, New York Governor Cuomo announced $3 million dollars in cooling assistance. These monies will enable households to buy and install air conditioning.
"The heat and humidity during the height of the summer can be uncomfortable for some, but potentially life-threatening to others with medical conditions exacerbated by high temperatures," Governor Cuomo said. "This program will ensure that some of the most vulnerable New Yorkers can remain safe and cool in their homes when the summer weather is at its worst."
Cooling assistance through the Home Energy Assistance Program is only available to those households which meet the program's income guidelines and include a member who suffers from a documented medical condition exacerbated by extreme heat.
If your household qualifies, you can apply for cooling assistance through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance's Home Energy Assistance Program beginning this Monday, May 2.
Last summer, more than 4,100 households throughout the state received cooling assistance with almost 200 here in the Hudson Valley. If you aren't sure where to apply, click here.
Don't wait, apply now and you'll have your air conditioning in and ready to go when you need it.
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