One of my favorite movies is coming back to the big screen next month, but only in Yonkers. On Saturday, March 24, all three Back to the Future movies are screening as part of the Back To Back To Back To The Future Marathon at the Alamo Drafthouse. Don't tell me you're not going to this. What are you, McFly? Chicken?

Like it says on the Drafthouse's website, that's nearly six hours of sci-fi comedy hijinks. All the movies are being projected on 35mm film too, adding to the theatrical experience. I went to a Back to the Future marathon a few years ago that was projected on digital prints, and I'm seriously considering going to this just to see these favorites of mine on film.

Tickets are still available, and it's likely this event will be awesome. The Alamo Drafthouse always does awesome stuff. I was there just last week for Russellmania! So why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here? Because where we're going, we don't need roads. Those boards don't work on water... UNLESS YOU'VE GOT POWER!

I may have stumbled down a rabbit hole of Back to the Future quotes, and I don't know if I'll ever get out. Slackers! Just too darn loud! 1.21 JIGAWATTS!

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