It's summer time and everyone seems to be falling in love. You can't blame them, the weather is perfect and it's a great time to get out and have some date day/night fun in the Hudson Valley.

Here are four date ideas that could make for a great time and save you some money!

Check out a winery
Isn't wine the most romantic drink of choice? Either way, here in the Hudson Valley we have a boatload of wineries. So why not take in the gorgeous sites of the HV while enjoying some delicious local wines. Weed Orchard, Benmarl and Millbrook are just some of my favorite spots. It doesn't even have to be wine, have you looked up the cideries and breweries in town? They're something to be desired.

Have a picnic at a local historic site
The Hudson Valley is bursting with history. From FDR to Vanderbilt, there are beautiful estates that are open for daily tours, but also sit on a huge amount of land. Why not grab a blanket and some lunch and make a date out of it?


Go for a Walk
I'm an advocate for outdoor dates. You're not stuck in a noisy bar and you're saving some money. Take a stroll across the Walkway Over The Hudson, maybe even hold hands! Innisfree Garden is breathtaking and makes for a relaxing day. Or check out one of the many hiking trails in the Hudson Valley. Breakneak, Minnewaska, Mount Beacon...the list keeps going, just make sure your date is willing to get a little dirty. Not like that...jeeze!

Catch a Movie at the Drive In
When I was in college my roommates were envious after I told them that we have not one, but four Drive In theaters (at least that I know of). Hyde Park, Overlook, Warwick and Hi-Way Drive In theaters are all open for business this summer. Check out two new releases for the price of one and best part? You can bring your own snacks!


Where are you taking your date this summer?

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