Today is the day we celebrate the Flag, do you know why?

Every year on June 14th we celebrate Flag Day because today (6/14) marks the adoption of the flag of the United States of America which happened on June 14, 1777 and it's all thanks to a resolution of the Second Continental Congress, according to Americas Library.

Flag day started back on May 30, 1916 as President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14th.

Now Flag day isn't an official federal holiday but it is a nationally recognized day. August 3rd, 1949 is the date that President Truman signed an Act of Congress that permanently designated June 14th of each year to be recognized as National Flag Day.

Most of us celebrate Flag Day by displaying the Red, White and Blue in front of our homes and businesses. So if you haven't done it yet today make sure you put up Old Glory today.

Today is also a very special day for the US Army as today we celebrate the US Army's 243rd birthday, according to Time and Date.

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