The big candy day is 2 days away. Have you gone out to grab some candy for the little ones in your neighborhood yet?

What kind of candy do you give out in your neighborhood? Full candy bars?

A new survey found more people are going to be passing out candy to trick-or-treaters this year but less of them are going to be giving out chocolate.

According to PR Newswire, 78% of parents plan on passing out candy this year, which is up 5% from two years ago. But only 59% will give out chocolate, which is down 14% from two years ago. That means only three out of five houses will have chocolate this year.

Kind of a bummer but on the bright side for kids, only 61% of parents will put a limit on how much candy their kids can eat in one sitting. I would always hate when my mom would say "CJ you can pick 2 pieces and that's all". The choices were always so hard. And yes I always went with as many full candy bars as possible.

Another big part of the trick or treating experience is when you would get home and mom and dad would start swiping some of the booty. The good news for kids nowadays is that this survey also found only 66% of parents plan on eating some of their kids' Halloween candy this year and moms are 10% more likely to poach some than dads.

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