Travis Tritt at Columbia County Fair
Two time Grammy winner Travis Tritt is coming to the Columbia County Fair this year as the fairs music headliner.
Now if you know me I have a shady history with Travis as his security people almost beat me up like 6 years ago for taking his picture backstage at one of the fairs. It took me a while.... but I finally have gotten over it and cant wait for this show.
According to the Daily Freeman, Tritt who has been a member of the Grand Ole Opry since 1992 and won four CMA Awards, will be doing one show at the fair this year on September 3rd. The show will start at 7 p.m. and will take place on the main stage located in front of the grandstand.
Best part, the Travis Tritt show is free with your paid $15 admission to the fair.
This is will be the 177th Columbia County Fair which is put on each year by the Columbia County Agricultural Society.
The fair runs August 30 through September 4th at the Columbia County fairgrounds located at Routes 66 and 203, kids 12 and under get in free and parking for the fair is free for everybody.