The Strandbeests Invade Salem Massachusetts
Imagine you are on the beach and coming at you is a giant Strandbeest. Sounds horrifying doesn't it? But actually it quite cool and virtually harmless unless maybe you get stuck in it's legs. Strandbeests or "beach creatures" which is the american translation of the dutch name are the creation of Theo Janson and have just recently landed in the USA.
This artist and engineer combine has come up with these amazing animal like creatures to entertain and bring out the child in all of us. He even encourages you to build your own. If you want to see them up close and in person you have until January 3rd. They are on exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts.
These wind driven marvels of art meets engineering are definitely worth the drive to Salem. Who knows they may even storm a beach near you next summer. In the meantime Theo encourages you to build one for yourself.
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