The Hudson Valley’s First Flakes May Fly by Early Fall
The Farmer's Almanac is calling for the Hudson Valley to have a mild snowy winter. So how early could we see the first flake fly? It is not uncommon for us here in the northeast to get an earlier snow storm.
In recent years we have had snow as early as October. As a matter of fact in October of 1987 the Hudson Valley recorded it's earliest snow fall ever. I found an article from the New York Times covering the story. According to the Times article the Army Signal Corps started keeping track of weather in 1870 and the snow fall on October 4th 1987 was the earliest recorded for our area.
So how would you feel about getting snow in about 2 weeks?
This photo of my dog Pearl taken on October 30, 2011 gives you some insight into our thoughts on October snow. This snow fall actually made the Wikipedia list of Northeast Snowfall that had an impact.
So when do you think we will see the first flakes fly? I am predicting by Halloween. If I have to pick a date I will say October 27,2017.
Remembering Stella
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