Terrariums are Tiny Planting Fun
One of my favorite planting projects I ever did was making a terrarium. There is something so fun about creating a small mini garden for inside your house or office. Terrariums are the perfect garden project for the person who doesn't have a lot of space or time to garden.
The size can very depending on how involved you want to get in creating and maintaining your garden under glass. The key to deciding on how big to make your terrarium is to pick the plants you want to put in it. Better Homes & Gardens has published a great list of 12 Terrarium plants and include suggestions on how to get started.
If you are feeling really creative you may want to take an idea from Architecture and Design. They have 25 plus ideas that will have you making terrarium gardens that are big enough to take up a whole table top or so small you can carry them in your pocket.
So this weekend when the weather feels warm and wonderful grab the kids, find some glass containers you have hanging around the house and get to designing your terrarium gardens. Remember to make a plan before you get started and most importantly head to your favorite local garden center to get the plants you'll need for your indoor table top garden in a jar.