Summer Jobs in the Great Outdoors
If your idea of the perfect summer job is going to work every day in the comfort of air conditioning, doing everything you can to avoid sweating, and staring at a computer screen for hours at a time, then these job opportunities are not for you. However, if you'd rather breathe fresh air throughout your workday, explore the beauty of nature, and help others appreciate and protect our preserves and wild lands, then this is for you.
The Adirondack Mountain Club is currently accepting applications for several seasonal positions for this summer including Professional Trail Crew, Wilderness Trip Leader, Summit Steward, Highpeaks Information Staff, Summer naturalist Intern, and more.
The details, requirements and application information for all of the open positions can be found here. While the pay for these positions varies, some also include room and board. The deadline to apply for any of these positions is February 15.
Why spend your summer cooped up in an office starting at a computer screen, get outside and live while you work.