Scotty McCreery is the latest country artist to fall victim to an Albany radio station's ongoing Worst Interview Ever video series. It's a, well, interesting way to interview, hosted by 107.7 WGNA's Nick Kessler, and McCreery took it in stride.

Kessler plays nervous as he scratches through his notebook for questions. "Are you ready for this?" he asks, adding the zinger, "Or do you need five more minutes?"

Of course he's alluding to McCreery's first country radio hit, "Five More Minutes," and McCreery laughs — he gets the pun. The interview trucks on in an appropriately excruciating manner as Kessler explains to McCreery that American Idol (the show that made him famous) is now back on the air, his mouth full of BBQ as he speaks to the star.

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McCreery is a good sport. After Kessler (still eating BBQ) asks the singer a question about what inspires his songwriting, McCreery turns it back to the host.

"Well, it's normally real life," McCreery replies. "I'm thinking about what I lived, things I've eaten. I normally have to have a little BBQ before I can really write a good country song."

Later, Kessler ask a more personal question: "You're a very successful, good looking dude, and you're very young. Asking for a friend — how would you recommend going through life if you're none of those things?"

McCreery's response? "You just gotta love yourself for who you are. If other people don't like you, it's okay. Be you, man." McCreery has reason to be in a good mood, as his new album, Seasons Changedebuted at No. 1.

It's another entertaining, yet slightly awkward interview. McCreery is far from Kessler's first guest — previous victims include Chris JansonToby KeithJerrod Niemann and LoCash.

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