State police and local authorities are on the lookout for convicts Richard Matt and David Sweat and apparently a bounty hunter you may recognize has decided to get involved too.

Duane 'Dog' Chapman is better known as Dog The Bounty Hunter, and while it's not a 'boots on the ground' situation, his website is getting more than two tips an hour. Time Warner News Buffalo reports in an interview, that once a criminal is added to the 15 Most Wanted list, then Dog is after them. He's very aware of not getting in the way of police or compromising evidence. But with more than $100,000 in reward money on the line, 'Dog' things someone will come forward with relevant info.

While 'Dog' is involved from a support stand point, and also claims to have people staked out and the relatives of Matt and Sweat, don't expect him to be the point man on any arrests. It's important for people to steer clear of these two, and yes that includes you, Dog the Bounty Hunter. Leave that up to the police.

"Dog" has a theory on the convicts next move.



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