Please Don’t Spend Leap Day at Work
This Saturday you absolutely can not go into work. It just wouldn't be right. How can your work away the extra day we get this year? You won't be able to make it up to yourself for another 4 years.
Once every four years we are given an extra day in the calendar year so that we can do some catching up not extra work. The whole reason we get a Leap Day is so the calendar year and the solar year. An this year Leap Day is a Saturday even more reason that you have to find something better to do then go into the office.
I know it will be tempting but don't give in, make yourself doing something fun. Go to the Casino and spend an extra $29 in the slot machine. Go to your favorite Hudson Valley Restaurant and spend an extra $29. Call up 29 people and have a party but whatever you do don't spend an extra minute at work.
This February 29th is a Saturday which means it has even more reason to be spend enjoying the extra time. It's a free day you get every 4 years don't waste it. And BTW those of you who are Leap Babies - Happy Birthday feel free to act your "leap" age.