Never Say These 5 Things to any Hudson Valley Worker, They Hate it!
Dealing with customers on a daily basis can become frustrating over the course of a workweek especially if you work in a place where the customers have a tendency to ask the same questions over and over.
If you work with customers at any Hudson Valley store, restaurant, or any face to face place of business many say that there is a phrase or a question that you get asked repeatedly. Those questions and phrases are like nails on a chalkboard to most so in an effort to make people happier at work we came up with the five things we should never say to any worker in the Hudson Valley.
Do You Work Here?
We got numerous calls from people that work in stores that said when a customer asks them, "Do you work here?" it drives them nuts!! Carley called and said, "You see me pushing a cart full of items and I'm putting them on the shelves, YES I WORK HERE!" In defense of the customer, I've always asked because there's nothing more embarrassing than asking someone a question in a store when they don't work there. I've been asked questions by fellow customers a million times while walking around a store. I must have that "I work here" look about me...LOL!
It Won't Scan, That Means it's FREE
A cashier that works at Sam's Club in Fishkill told us that she hates when she tries to scan something and it doesn't work and the customer says, "Not working? That means it FREE". She said if she had a dollar for every time she's heard that she would be "one rich cashier". I'm beyond embarrassed, Yes I'm the guy that always says that anytime that happens...Now that I know cashiers hate it I'm inviting everyone to join me and promise to never say it again!
I'm in a Rush Can You Hurry up
Numerous restaurant employees called in to tell us that they hate when customers make a big order and demand that they hurry up with preparing the order. We had one "anonymous" text come in that said, "If a customer says that to me, I slow down to a snail's pace".
Ever Since....
Rich, a mechanic at a Poughkeepsie car dealership called to tell us that it's like nails on a chalkboard when his customers say to him, "Ever since". He explained that after he does repairs on someone's car and they come back and say something like, "EVER SINCE you changed my oil the radio doesn't work, or EVER SINCE you fixed my brakes the windows won't roll down". None of these things have anything to do with the other.
Do you Have any Free Samples Today?
Cathy texted, "I work in banking. The nails on a chalkboard for me, and I think I probably speak for pretty much everybody across banking, is “do you have any free samples today”. Don’t. Please. Just don’t." No free money for anyone!
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