You see the signs nearly every time you go across one of the New York State Bridge Authority Bridge, wide-loads or over-sized loads can only go across the bridges during certain times of the day, and some have to be escorted across the bridge, plus there is usually a phone number for that driver to call.

What constitutes an oversized or wide-load? Does it count for everyone or just commercial vehicles? Are there certain times of day that these big behemoths can cross the bridge and are there different rules for each one of the five New York State Bridge Authority Bridges? Mid-Hudson, Newburgh-Beacon, Bear Mountain, Rip Van Winkle, and Kingston-Rhinecliff.

Are there different rules for each of the 5 NYSBA Bridges or one common set of rules?

Photo by Rhys Moult on Unsplash
Photo by Rhys Moult on Unsplash

Turns out all of the bridges and roads in New York State have the same legal guidelines and certifications for oversized and overweight commercial vehicles. What are those guidelines? There are pretty extensive and can be read via pdf, by clicking here.

Is there a steadfast rule to follow for oversized and overweight vehicles before these vehicles can cross these bridges or any other bridge in New York State?


The biggest thing that you need to know is that you will need a permit before you can cross, and then you will only be able to cross at certain times. How do you get this permit? Hint, you'll need to get it in advance because as of this article, the walk-in centers are allegedly still closed. Click here for the info on how to get the permit.

While we are discussing bridges, are these the absolute worst ones to have to cross in the Hudson Valley? You decide:

Worst Hudson Valley Bridges to Drive Across

The five main Hudson river crossings ranked from worst to first with commuter comments.

5 Things You Didn't Know About Mid-Hudson Bridge

You drive across it often, but what do you know about the Mid-Hudson Bridge? Test your knowledge.

Under the Bridge – Danbury’s Hidden Art Project

Danbury, CT has a lot of murals which have been sanctioned by the city and then there is the illegal graffiti. The Hat City has its fair share of illegal graffiti but most of it, is off the beaten-path. It’s near the train tracks, and under bridges, it’s in places most residents will never go. I intentionally seek these places out. I like to go to places most people would find scary, grimy or even dangerous. I’m willing to climb over downed trees, step on broken glass and dodge rusting metal to find my way to a place I was never meant to see.

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