It's estimated over 4.2 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into bodies of water in the Hudson Valley, potentially impacting drinking water.

On Friday and Tuesday, untreated combined sanitary and stormwater spilled into the Hudson River in Dutchess County, according to the Poughkeepsie Water Pollution Control Plant.

Officials estimate 500 gallons per minute for at least 48 hours spilled into the Hudson River in Poughkeepsie

On Friday, officials from Newburgh reported about 500 gallons of untreated waste per minute spilled into the Hudson River for about 24 hours.

The discharge began on Renwick Street in Newburgh. The boat launch area was potentially impacted, according to the New York Wastewater Treatment Plant in Newburgh.

On Friday, Sunday and Tuesday, the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Kingston reported partially treated waste without disinfection spilled into the Rondout Creek.

The bathing beach, boat launch, drinking water intake, fishing area and park were potentially impacted public areas, officials say.

Around 500 gallons of untreated waste per minute for at least 24 hours spilled into the Rondout Creek on Friday, Sunday and Tuesday, officials estimate.

Wet weather is to blame.

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