Growing up in Orange County I had the benefit of enjoying the wilderness. Without dating myself too much I can say that when I grew up there was a lot more green space.

Orange County Land Trust via Facebook
Orange County Land Trust via Facebook

I can remember hiking fields and mountainsides that had no trails much less houses and roads. Sadly, many of the places I explored as a child in Orange County are now more developed pieces of land.

See Also: The Highest Elevation in Orange County, New York

Some places I traveled to have stayed green. I spent many a weekend hiking up Storm King Mountain. There were also fire trails and paths that led to amazing ponds and views that fortunately are still protected from becoming a housing development.

Orange County Land Trust via Facebook
Orange County Land Trust via Facebook

When I saw that the Orange County Land Trust had created this short film in the hope of saving Orange County's Last Wilderness I wanted to share it to get the word out about how vital it is to have a balance in our communities. Everyone should be able to take a walk in the woods.

SEE Also: Last Years Food Challenge at Ben's Fresh in Port Jervis

Orange County especially the storied town of Port Jervis has so much interesting green space it is great to see a moment to keep it wild. The waterways should be enjoyed but also protected. This film does a great job illustrating what this part of Orange County has to offer and keeping it green and wild is part of the plan.

Watch Short Film on Saving Orange County's Last Wilderness

Just Released! This short film highlights the lands and waters in the Port Jervis/Deerpark region that comprise Orange County's Last Wilderness, as well as our efforts to protect them. Watch it now to learn more about this pivotal initiative! (via Facebook Orange County Land Trust)


Orange County, NY to Get New Park in Sugar Loaf and Chester

Also today it was shared by both the Orange County Government and the Orange County Land Trust that a piece of land has been preserved near Sugar Loaf and Chester and will soon become an official Orange County Park. The Sugar Loaf Mountain acquisition became final today.

Find out how to help the Orange County Land Trust by login on to

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