Newburgh Fire House Plans Open House: Yours Could Be Next
(Please note that the photo in this article were taken in October of 2019 before COVID-19)
So many things are starting up again and that includes the events that we have enjoyed over the years at our local area fire houses. In the past fire departments were know for all kinds of fun. Carnivals, spaghetti dinners, psychic readings, even yard sales in their parking lots.
During the pandemic a lot of the local fire departments did their best to bring fun to our communities. Many of them drove Santa through neighborhood last Christmas. This past Easter, the Easter Bunny even hitched a ride in some parts of the Hudson Valley. So it is fun to think that as the weather gets nicer we can look forward to fire house events coming back.
Many of our area fire houses count on their community events to help support all they do for us during an emergency. The events may have come to an end during the shutdown due to COVID 19 but the fire departments in the Hudson Valley certainly didn't slow down. Many of them were busier than they have ever been.
This is a great time to check in at your local fire department to see what they have on their schedule for the summer. Many of them are also looking for volunteers, something you may want to look in to as well. In the meantime I have heard about one Hudson Valley fire house holding an open house this weekend.
The Cronomer Valley Fire Department in Newburgh is holding a drive thru / walk thru open house event this Saturday starting at 11 AM. Bring the family out to meet members of the fire department and tour the fire house and all the equipment they use to help us during an emergency.