What I Want to do in My Yard but Won’t
There are a few things I miss from my childhood like Fudgsicles from the ice cream truck or Bugs Bunny cartoons on Saturday mornings. But I think if I had to pick one thing that I would like to do as an adult that I did all the time as a kid it would sit in the grass on a sunny day.
When I was growing up as soon as the days got warmer and we finally cut the grass for the first time we would always sit in the yard for hours. It was great after a long winter to just lay in the grass and look up at the sky. Sometimes we sat on a blanket but most of the time we just plopped ourselves straight down on the grass for the day. I can actually remember my grandpa telling us we would "catch our death" sitting on the cold ground. Fact is now a days he'd be right. Maybe not "our death" but certainly a tick or two.
I haven't had my lawn guys cut the yard yet this year but they plan to this week. It is going to be all I can do not to run out there after they are done and just sit in the middle of the lawn. But I won't. Or at least not without my bug repellent and a chair. After this crazy Spring we have had it sure would be nice to be able to do things again that you did when you were six. Anyway, the chair might not seem so bad if I get a Fudgsicle to go with it.
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