Art Sale of Plein Air Work will Benefit Mohonk Preserve
Mohonk Preserve invites you to come by meet some of the artists and buy some art from the Plein Air Art Exhibit 2024.
Everyone is invited to the Closing Reception this Sunday from 3 PM to 5 PM. Join the Mohonk Preserve and meet with the artist who spent an afternoon painting in various places around the preserve in order to have their pieces support the Mohonk Preserve and all it does throughout the year.
Some very notable artists were involved again in helping the preserve raise funds and put the spotlight on the preserve who focuses on efforts to educate all of us about the importance of the area and keeping it in a natural state for all to enjoy. The list below of participating artists reads like a Hudson Valley Art Who's Who.
Hudson Valley Artists Help a Nature Preserve by Making Art
To see the artwork and to place an online bid follow this link. If you were hoping for a piece art depicting the Mohonk Rodge or its Iconic gatehouse you need to look at the work being offered for sale.
The Preserve has a fundraising goal with this annual plein-air art event of $10,000. They currently have a little over $7000 so look and see if there is a piece you want and help them reach the goal.
2024 Participating Artists:
Christina Boyd
Bruce Bundock
Linda Champanier
Monica Cohen
Nell Shaw Cohen
Cathy Copeland
Patricia Cummins
Laura Debona
Shoshana Aliza Driller
Marianne Goldstein
Susan Hansen
Emeline Hastings
Robin Kappy
Pearl Lau
Michael Lokensgaard
Laura Martinez-Bianco
Kate Masters
Kirsten McAllister
Donna Napolitano
Chrissy Pahucki
Geraldine Popko
Stephanie Reiter
Tatiana Rhinevault
Mitchell Saler
Matthew Schroeter
Lisa Teitelbaum
Jerry Teters
Maria Vaccarino
Marlene Wiedenbaum

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Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn
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