Ah yes, the luck of the Irish is slowly making its way back to the Hudson Valley. As we navigate through the rest of winter, Mill Creek Caterers and Smoke Haus Deli in Hopewell Junction is gearing up for the luckiest holiday of them all.

Kick Off St. Patrick's Day With Corned Beef and Comedy

We learn as we get older that St. Patrick's Day weekend is a marathon, not a sprint. This year the lucky holiday lands on Sunday, March 17th so there will be lots of build-up before the big day.

You can kick off St. Patrick's Day weekend with Corned Beef and Comedy at Mill Creek Caterers in Hopewell Junction. On Friday, March 15 the catering hall will welcome 3 hilarious comedians Joe Pontillo, Chris Roach, and Sue Golden.

Plus, the show will be hosted by Eddie Sloshower, a big deal in the New York City comedy scene.

While they dish out the jokes, Mill Creek will provide a delicious buffet dinner that of course includes corned beef and cabbage. Tickets are on sale now at Millcreekcaterers.com.

Smoke Hause Deli Covers All Your St. Patrick's Day Needs

If you're more of the stay-at-home-type for the St. Patrick's Day celebration, Smoke Haus Deli has you covered. They make a delectable homemade corned beef that is seasoned and cured at the deli, with all the fixings like Irish Gem Potatoes, cabbage, and homemade soda bread.

And you can pick it all up on March 17th, just in time for the big celebration.

Place your orders now so you can kick back and relax with a nice Guinness and all the mouthwatering food from Smoke Haus Deli.  Call 845-226-9934 to place your order today.

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