It looks like Texas is coming to the east coast this weekend.

We are now officially into the fall season so that means it is not too early to start celebrating Halloween.

Some people celebrate by decorating or eating a bunch of candy. Others celebrate by watching scary movies. Who doesn't like to be scared in October?

One of the most iconic horror movies from the past 50 years or so is arguably The Texas Chain Saw Massacre for several reasons. There have been many modern adaptations but the original was directed by Tobe Hooper 1974. Some believe it is extremely important tp the horror film genre. The original movie's law budget actually helped it because it gave the film a raw and gritty style that helped look more real.

The film also gave moved goers a break from supernatural horror that was very popular at the time. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre introduced a whole new style of horror. They introduced the psychotic chainsaw wielding cannibal. A character that we have seen replicated over and over again in movies and haunted attractions.

There have been several sequels to the original film. According to a post on social media it looks like Bob Elmore who portrayed Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 will be making an appearance at a toy store this Saturday.

It looks like the saw is family this weekend at Pandora's Box Toys & Collectibles in New Jersey.


Here is a clip of Elmore in action


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