Update A New Paltz Halloween Tradition is Happening
Update: We have heard for a reliable source the Parade is ON. Thursday October 31st at 6 PM.
Is it just me or does it seem like no one has said boo about this year's Halloween parade through the Village of New Paltz. Normally by now you will have heard people discussing their costumes in town. You should be able to find a post on a Facebook page or two. But so far my search has brought up nothing.
The weird part about all of this is if you ask people they just assume it is happening. Is it possible that it is such a popular tradition it needs no planning? That doesn't seem right though. It seems like someone would at least have posted a step off time. Just thinking about the parade not actually happening seems weird.
In years past the crown marching down the streets of New Paltz to the music of the Addams Family has been curb to curb wide an stretching from the Route 32 light all the way down to the turn at P&Gs. It seems impossible to fathom that there would be no parade. And I would even go as far to say that if one has been organized one their will still be people who show up to be in it and others who show up to watch.
New Paltz without the Halloween Parade on Halloween would just be plain weird and bordering on spooky. So let's hope I am wrong and that out there somewhere a parade has been planned and I just can't find it on the internet. If you have any information either way please feel free to share it. Use the text Studio feature on the Wolf App to let us know what's happen to this Hudson Valley Halloween Tradition.
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