Hudson Valley PTA Welcomes Back Kids With “Chalk Messages”(PICS)
It's the little things that make a stressful day a bit easier.
The school year 2020 kicked off back in September for the Hudson Valley is a way that for most families has never been done before. With COVID-19 most schools started the year with a mixture of remote learning and in person school.
Almost all of our school districts have different plans, and depending on where you live, depends on the plan. I do know that in the Wappingers Central School District, they are doing a hybrid type of plan with some schools welcoming back 5th and 6th graders this week, depending on the "cohort" they are in. I think it has something to do with the first letter of the student's last name.
One other school district in Dutchess County is welcoming students back to school this week. The Pine Plains School District is opening up the doors to a few schools this week and the parent teachers association did something super sweet to welcome some of their student's back today.
According to a Facebook post the Pine Plains PTA wrote some inspiring words for everyone heading back to school today, they wrote, "We will be thinking about all of your special children, all of you, the parents, all of our superhero Educators, our incredible Principals, everyone who has kept the building running, the amazing custodial and kitchen staff, and our wonderful transportation department. You have all worked endlessly and tirelessly to make tomorrow happen and we appreciate each and every one of you. Here’s to a good week, filled with happiness, positivity, learning, and FUN! *WELCOME BACK!*"
The post also talked about how they have started a mission, "a mission to give our students a big smile, when they return to school tomorrow for the first time since March." There mission included some awesome artwork, including some chalk and kind words.
The messages were written at the Cold Spring Early Learning Center, which is Pre K-1st and Seymour Smith Intermediate Learning Center, which is 2nd-5th in the Pine Plains School District.