We all have things we want to do while we are here on earth. Somethings are just out of our reach, maybe due to finances, maybe due to practicality or maybe just because we don't have the skills.

I am the first person to tell some one "try again" or "failure is not an option" but let's face it somethings are just not possible. The idea of me climbing El Capitan is complete non-sense. Forget the fact that I have vertigo on a step ladder, the real matter is I am not built for rock climbing. However that doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to experience the view.

This past January when Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson finished the first ever free climb of the Dawn Wall after 19 days we all became fascinated by the rock face that has challenged climbers since it was first climbed in 1958 by Warren Harding, Wayne Merry and George Whitmore.

CBS News interviewing Tommy and Kevin the morning after they succeeded.

So now for all of us that can't imagine actually climbing El Capitan, but wish we could. Take in the view thanks to the Google Street, the people who video your neighborhood, have now done the street view of El Capitan.

Google Video

CBS interview of the Street Team

Technology take us athletically challenged to heights we never been able to go to before.

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