The Voice left me speechless last night. I loved every performance and can't possibly figure out a guess on who will be the Top 4. Yes, Top 4, Tonight on The Voice they will send five amazing singers home. At this point I am having troubling figuring out who I think should be number two, three and four. However, there is no doubt in my mind who will be number one. The winner of The Voice season nine is Jordan Smith, hands down. If you missed his performance take the few minute to watch the YouTube video.

It is unbelievable, right? It is like they should just give him the win and let all the other contestants compete in a separate show. The part you don't see in the YouTube video from last night is where Adam went up on stage after the performance, hugged Jordan then took his microphone and did the mic drop, priceless.

So who do I want to make it through tomorrow night? It is a tough call. They were all amazing, but I am going to call the Top Four this way -

1 - Jordan Smith

2 - Emily Ann Roberts

3 - Braiden Sunshine

4 - Zach Seabaugh


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