Is your picture plastered all over a famous museum?

It could be and thanks to Google, you can find where your famous doppelganger may be located.

Over the weekend the Google Arts & Culture app saw a huge spike in popularity when they offered a service that will compare your selfie with a famous piece of art work. Celebrities and social media users jumped on the Arts & Culture app fast and it made for some hilarious reactions.

It's a free download in the iTunes and Google Play store just search "Google Arts & Culture." Once downloaded, open the app and scroll down a bit and you'll see "Is Your Portrait in a Museum?" It will then ask for permission to access your camera. Accept and let the fun begin.

Of course I had to try it out for myself. Here are my results.

Google 1
Google 2
Google 3

Strangely accurate.

Who do you look like and where can you find your portrait? Let us know on Facebook!


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