An insanely popular cookie shop from upstate is selling their cookies here in the Hudson Valley for one day only.

There was a big debate a few weeks ago about what the Hudson Valley's favorite cookies were. Some psychopaths tried to claim it was packaged cookie that

If you're like me you've got quite a sweet tooth. If you're like me in another way then you watch what you eat. I don't snack on junk food all week long. Instead I like to wait and when I feel like having some dessert I really want to treat myself. I'm not wasting my time on a store bought package of cookies. I want premium hand made and local cookies. Or semi local cookies.

The Upstate Cookie Shack is a bakery in East Greenbush New York and people rave about their massive and delicious cookies. They are coming to the Hudson Valley again for one day and people are losing their minds on social media.

Upstate Cookie Shack
Upstate Cookie Shack

The Hudson Valley has doughnuts and bagels covered but there's a real good chance that the Capital Region has the best cookies. It may be true but at least they are nice enough to share.

Upstate Cookie Shack did a Hudson Valley pop-up over the summer and it did so well that they've decided to do it again.

Reach out to them, place your orders and on Friday, October 1 you can meet them at the following Hudson Valley spots.

POUGHKEEPSIE Friday October 1st Rail Trail Parking Lot 50 Overocker Road Arlington 12603 5-5:30pm
NEW PALTZ Friday Oct 1st 5:50-6:10 299 Hudson Valley Trail Parking Lot(Across from Lowes Home Improvement
KINGSTON Friday Oct 1st 6:30-6:50 I 587 Park and Ride Col. Chandler Drive
SAUGERTIES Friday Oct 1st 7:15-7:35 Exit 20 Park and Ride On Route 32


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