At the beginning of April, CJ and I were on a mission to become the Townsquare Media Employee(s) of The Month. At the beginning of every month we receive an email about the nation wide Employee Of The Month program within our company. We were upset because we had no idea this existed and there was no one nominated that month from Townsquare Hudson Valley.

We made a video of how we (I use "we" loosely, it's really CJ's interpretation) think an Employee of The Month should act:

Needless to say, we didn't get a response from the higher ups. CJ thought that we had given up, however I kept pushing and working hard and going above and beyond to become the employee of the month. And it worked!

I was nominated as Townsquare Hudson Valley's Employee of the Month! I didn't win, but it was an honor to be nominated. Here is statement from our Market President Jason Finkelberg:

Our April Employee of the Month is Jess, morning show co-host on The WOLF . Jess is a bright light. Her infectious smile and upbeat personality make everyone look forward to coming to work. Jess has stepped up and done everything asked of her and more. Her willingness to come out of her comfort zone and grow on-air, on-line and on-site is a model for all talent to follow. Leadership comes in all forms. Thanks for all you do, Jess.

It's my pleasure, Jason. And I promise to keep CJ in line and work hard to prove that I deserve this nomination.

Now with all that being said, CJ is trying to steal my thunder. Should he be able to tag along on my Employee of The Month Nomination? Let us know and we'll debate this out tomorrow on air.

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