"Masterchef Junior" is set to begin it's fourth season on Fox this Friday, November 6 at 8 pm. The show is based on the format of a UK series called "Junior Masterchef" and it first aired on Fox in 2013. It features kids ages 8 to 13 competing for the title before judges Gordon Ramsay, Christina Tosi and Graham Elliot.

For the fourth season, there will be 24 contestants from around the country including Tennessee, Louisiana, California, Arizona, Texas, New Jersey, and New York. This year, for the first time, a 9-year old from Dutchess County will be competing for the title of Masterchef Junior. Chad, from Poughkeepsie, will start his journey this Friday night. Each junior chef has a signature dish and Chad's is "Shrimparooni."

If you haven't seen the show before, there are individual as well as team cooking challenges, plus there's also some interesting challenges and consequences for the contestants and judges alike. See for yourself.


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