This past Wednesday, December 5th, Jill Steeley returned to her car in the Golden Corral parking lot on Rt. 9 in Poughkeepsie to find her dog, Ajax, gone.  Earlier today, Friday the 7th, Jill returned to her home to find Ajax in the driveway.  She posted on the Lost Pets of the Hudson Valley facebook page:


AJAX IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ajax was left in my driveway tied to a car while I was out today. I do not know who or why or when. I have no other information, I am just incredibly grateful. MY BOY IS HOME!!!!!"

Her post was shared from the Lost Pets facebook page more than 10,000 times, and the reward she offered went up to $5,000, no questions asked.  Steeley posted about the severe allergies that Ajax has, and how he needs a shot once a week to prevent his hair from falling out.

Many people on Facebook had comments about the dog being left in the car, but Steeley explained that her dog was safe in her truck in a "doggie condo," with heated dog beds and blankets.

In the end, we, along with the MANY people commenting on the updated Facebook post, are just glad to hear that Ajax has been reunited with his family, safe and sound.

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