No doubt we are all ready for a vacation. Even if you had time off over the holidays, by now you are feeling like everyone else, "that was so last year". Lucky for you the last Tuesday in January is National Plan For Vacation Day. Break out the travel guides. Get online with your favorite booking site and go wild. It is time to start thinking about fun, sun and some rest and relaxation.

Here in the Hudson Valley it is a perfect day for planning a trip for later this year. With the winter weather rolling through and the artic blast heading in to close out the week, why not day dream about places you rather be and how to get there. Planes, Trains or automobiles traveling is always enjoyable when planned but be sure to leave a little spontaneity because that adds the adventure to every trip.

According to National Calendar Days online Americans leave more then 600 million vacation days unused. They claim that our work attitudes and the cultures in our workplace lead us to feeling like we have to keep working instead of taking time off.

Each year, Americans leave more than 600 million vacation days unused. Our work martyr attitudes combined with a culture of silence in the workplace is keeping workers at their desks instead of using their time off. It has actually been proven that people who take vacation are happier at work. National Days refers to information by Project: Time Off, which claims planners are more likely to take their vacation time then non-planners and end-up happier at their job.

Here are three easy steps to make it happen provided by the National Days Calendar online folks:

  1. Determine how much time off you earn.Look up the number of vacation days you earn by checking with your finance or HR team. Don’t forget to make a note of any office closures.
  2. Coordinate calendars.Use Project: Time Off’s vacation planning tool to plot out your year—enter the number of days you earn, put your vacation dreams on the calendar, and use your custom link to get your family and friends involved in the planning.
  3. Share your plans.Once you have your days determined, use the calendar to export your plans to Outlook, Gmail, or other electronic calendars to share with your boss, co-workers, and family.

As always if you decide to take part in this day share your experience on social media with #PlanForVacation.

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