Once a upon a time there was a story that started out about a yard sale and ended up with a cheesy twist. Keep reading.

Yard Sale season isn't done yet. All you junkers still have lots of sales and events to get to before we declare the end of the 2018 season. This weekend you can enjoy an event that is sure to have lots of goodies you can't live without. Their may even be holiday items for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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Point your car in the direction of Orange County this Saturday for the Monroe Free Library Community Yard Sale. This sale hosted by the Monroe Free Library will be held at 44 Millpond Parkway in Monroe. The sale will run from 10am to 4pm and promises to have lots of items.  Items for sale will include clothes, appliances, jewelry and toys. Plus other items as well.

They timed this sale to coincide with Founder's Day so you can enjoy that celebration as well. Founder's Day will be a weekend event that includes a street fair on Saturday from 10am to 5pm and on Sunday they celebrate with Dinner and a Movie. This annual event is hosted by the Village of Monroe Founders Day in honor of David Smith's Founding of Monroe in 1741.

When you check out Monroe in wikipedia you learn some interesting facts. It's located in Orange County with a population close to 40,000 according to the 2010 census. It was named after President James Monroe. And this most interesting tidbit Monroe New York is known as the birthplace of Velveeta Cheese. That's one of the Cheesey reason they hold a Cheese Festival each year. However it seems that the most recent cheese fest was in 2016. I fear that festival maybe defunct.

So head to the Founder's Day celebration and the Community Yard Sale this Saturday and who knows maybe there will be cheesy items to enjoy from a food vendor or two. Or just make this favorite of mine when you get home from a long day of yard saling.

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