Did you Catch The Super Blue Blood Moon This Morning?
If you're an early riser there is no way you missed what was shining in the sky in this morning.
In the past several months we've seen many Super Moons that shined brightly over the Hudson Valley. Last night and this morning we experienced yet another Super Moon. However, this one was a little different.
This morning you saw a Super Blue Blood Moon. That's three different types of moons wrapped into one. The moon was so bright this morning you didn't need a flashlight to walk your dog or to find the key hole on your car door.
People were able to capture the rare Super Blue Blood moon like ABC 7's Weatherman Lee Goldberg, who also happens to live in the Hudson Valley. He shared his picture on Twitter earlier this morning.
Historian Simon Shama also shared his Hudson Valley Super Blue Blood Moon view:
Were you able to catch the moon this morning? Lets see your best picture on Facebook. I bet they're all.... super.
The next blue moon will appear in March.