Move over green bean casserole there is a new veggie side in town for Thanksgiving, the pearled onion. Don't say yuck yet. These little bites of onion make the perfect compliment to the turkey, the gravy and the mashed potatoes. As with any vegetable its all in how to prepare them.

All Recipes has some great ideas including one that has the onion pair with peanuts and another with raisins but honestly give me a good cream sauce and we are done. My Grandma made a cream sauce that some how coated the onions so thick you barely new you were eating one. But the secret apparently is to get really good onions. I always rely on the Birdseye frozen kind but I have heard that if you have a grocery with a big veggie selection you can get them fresh.

Now, some people grew up calling them pearled onions while others called them creamed onions. If you search All Recipes you will find that there are different recipes for both. So my suggestions is you search both if you need a recipe. (Creamed Onions from All Recipes) My family has a recipe but truth be told no one makes pearled onions as good a Grandma. We have decided it is the cream sauce that we just can't duplicate but each year we give it a try.

So while your planning stuffing and broccoli casserole be sure to leave room on the table for the tiny onions. Don't beat them if you haven't tried them. Like Brussel Sprouts they taste better when your all grown up. (All Recipe Brussel Sprouts)

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