Something really incredible happened in Columbia County and it will restore your faith in humanity.

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It's terrifying anytime a parent is sick and it's even worse when you aren't there to help. Thankfully, there are still very kind people in the world that will step in and help someone who is in need. This next story will pull on your heartstrings and may even make your eyes water up.

What happened in Columbia County, NY?

Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

According to his family, one older Hudson Valley resident recently had a major seizure in the Hannaford parking lot in Valatie, but a young 16 or 17 year-old named Hunter stepped right in. Hunter reportedly started talking to the man, put the car in park, took the key out, and was there for the man in so many ways. Hunter was also able to talk to the man and let him know that help was on the way, how amazing is that?. Hunter was there to help until the EMT's were able to get there and take over. Anyone who has been in the situation knows it's terrifying. Hunter even took it.a step further...he exchanged numbers with the man's wife and is planning on calling the family to check on him.

In a world where people are so focused on themselves and can be so nasty, it's so refreshing to hear that a young man would step right in with no questions asked and help out someone who needs it. Thank you Hunter for reminding us that there are still good people in the world and showing us a much needed lesson on compassion.

If you know Hunter, go up to him and shake his hand.

We'll change the subject just a little. Here's how to be your own landlord in the Hudson Valley and some unique job opportunities:

Be Your Own Landlord in This 13 Bedroom Building in Sullivan County

6 Of The Most Unique Job Opportunities In The Hudson Valley This Season

Along with the start of new beginnings in our area, local businesses are also seeking changes.

There are Hudson Valley businesses that are seeking employees to fill job opportunities throughout different counties. These jobs may interest those who are seeking something different, fun and possibly something they have never tried before.

Looking to make some extra cash this spring and have fun? Look no further.

Here Are The 6 Most Unique Job Opportunities In The Hudson Valley This Season

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