Ashokan Watershed Wants You to Show Some Love
The Cornell Cooperative Extension Ulster County is inviting you to get your video and art on to show your love for streams in the Ashokan Watershed.
One of things that I love to do in the summer is find a cool creek on a hot day an just rest my feet in it. That is the kind of activity you could video to be part of the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program's "Love Your Stream Video and Art Project". You have from now until February 17, 2021 to put together a video, photographs or art project depicting what your love to do while visiting the streams that make up the Ashokan Watershed.
The project is looking for you to share a short video of an activity your enjoy doing when visiting a local stream. The activities can vary. Feel free to include everything from fishing to kayaking to just cooling off in the water. If you are a photographer feel free to share some of your favorite pictures of what you do stream side. If you are an artist your are welcome to paint or create a mixed media project reflecting your favorite stream activity.
All submission will be reviewed and compiled by the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP) staff so they can be shared on February 24, 2021 during an online streaming event. Their are requirements for the submission and you can get that information by clicking here. To find a stream that is part of the Ashokan Watershed click here.