If you are a gambler this auction may be something your interested in.

Forget about winning the Powerball jackpot tonight, why not bet on a guy living for a long, long time.

According to the Detroit Free Press, 73 year old Donald Magett of Kalamazoo, Michigan won a "Cash For Life" grand prize on a scratch off Lottery ticket a few years ago and it pays him $1,000 per month until he dies.

Sounds great right? Unfortunately now Donald needs more money to pay off his bankruptcy debts and waiting every month for the $1,000 just isnt cutting it. So he decided to auction off his winning lottery ticket.

There is one catch thou, the winning ticket will only pay out until he dies. He's 73. So anyone who's bidding on the ticket has to balance out how long they think he'll be around, with how much they're willing to spend.

The opening price for the auction is $30,000, so right there, you'd need him to be alive for at least three years just to break even after taxes.

On the bright side, Donald says he's in good health.

If you are intersted the auction starts at 8:00 am tomorrow on the website RepoCast.com, an it'll end at 8:30 pm.

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