4 Places to Schedule Rest and Relaxation into Your Busy Day
We are finally in that time of year when we are ready to shake of the winter and enjoy the nicer temperatures. The days are noticeably longer and the temperatures are finally warmer. So how do we sneak extra time for much deserved rest and relaxation?
I find the first thing I need to do is try to get up earlier. Now that daylight savings time is in the review mirror we are all more adjusted to getting up with the birds. You would be surprised what you can get accomplished before you head out the door to work.
Another great time of day to sneak in a bit of sun and fun is during lunch. It is so easy to get trapped at your desk. If you are like me and you pack your lunch you might find it convenient to just eat at your desk while you work. Don't do it. Make yourself grab that leftover and head to the nearest plot of sunshine. You'll feel like a kid again.
You also need to make sure that you have planned the end of your day so that you don't get stuck at work after the sun goes down. It is to easy to give in to staying late at work once you have crossed over the 6PM mark. Have an exit strategy everyday as to how you can get out of the building before the sun goes down. Your dog will thank you.
Once you get home make sure you spend at least 15 minutes outside. It will make a big difference in your attitude and it is also a great way to transitioning from work to stuff you know you have to get done at home.