If you are anything like me, I always look for an excuse to get out of doing certain things, like putting up Christmas Lights on our house.

I think I finally found an excuse that most families will except, your Christmas lights could screw up your Wi-Fi.

That's right slower WI-Fi. According to the Guardian, a British tech company did a study to see how Christmas lights affect your Wi-Fi.

And the study found out that the electromagnetic interference from the lights might slow down the Wi-Fi at your home. Which means if you ever stream TV shows or movies thru Netflix or any online services, things may get a little choppy.

The more I think about this study, I think I'm going to put up more lights this year then every before so maybe the family will put down the phones and I pads. Not a bad idea, right?

Wow, I just used reverse psychology on myself. Get out and decorate.

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