Where to Find Ceramic Christmas Trees in The Hudson Valley
Wow. Childhood memory unlocked. Remember ceramic Christmas Trees?
Yes, I am fully aware that it's only September and we shouldn't even be thinking about the holiday season. However, while I was prepping for the upcoming fall season I came across a piece of my childhood that I just couldn't ignore.
I don't know about you, but growing up my grandparents and my great-aunt had ceramic Christmas trees during the holidays. As they got older, they still wanted the spirit of the holidays in their house but not the big tree. Which is totally understandable, trees (real or fake) are a hassle.
While walking through Hobby Lobby and skimming through their extensive fall/autumn/Thanksgiving collection, I stumbled upon the beginnings of their Christmas displays.
They had a ton of ornaments, fake trees, arts and crafts, Santa merch and all the red and green fabric you could think about. But I was immediately drawn to the small ceramic trees they had on the shelves.
It took me right back to being a kid and playing with the little light bulbs (the old school ones were scolding hot and use to burn my fingers) while staying the night with my grandparents or great aunt during the holidays.
Listen, I understand it's not the true vintage ceramic trees from back in the day. But they're pretty darn close and will only run you about $20 (I think they're currently on sale though, you're welcome).
I did some research and found that the real vintage trees are worth a couple of hundred bucks. According to a TodayShow.Com article, you can make anywhere between $100- $250 on a ceramic tree from the 70s.
If you're looking to relive the holiday nostalgia, check out Hobby Lobby (Michael's or The Christmas Tree Shop too) should have the ceramic holiday cheer you're looking for.
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