I know it's for the safety of everyone, but it is a little tough having the hair and nail salons closed for us ladies.

I get my hair colored every 3 months, and I can look pretty scary if I don't get my eyebrows done.

I came up with a list of products we all can keep in our make-up bags to help us get by.

Some Essentials:

  • Vaseline-this can be used for dry skin, and helped with chapped lips


  • Purple Shampoo- Every blonde is a big fan of this, keep a little bottle and use it 2-3- times a week to help keep your blonde on point


  • Self-Tanning Lotion- Using this twice a week, you will have a natural glow just like going to the tanning beds


  • Tweezers- With this proceed with caution, I've had a few plucking issues that lead to me looking surprised constantly for two weeks


  • Bronzer- This hides any blemish and will add even more color for your glow


  • Nail Polish- Not being able to get a manicure is rough, but just throw on some color and no one will notice a thing


  • Hair Ties/Scrunchies- Paty Quyn mentioned this and these are ALWAYS needed


Feel free to drop a comment below if you have more ideas to add.


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