What Would You Do With this Beautiful Old Ulster County Church?
There are empty and abandoned buildings all over the Hudson Valley. Some of those buildings are terribly unsightly, and many of them look unsafe. But there are other buildings that, even in bad condition, are simply beautiful. There is one particular place that comes to mind when I think of beautiful buildings that should be restored.
There is an old church in the Ulster County hamlet of Clintondale that sits on the corner of Route 44/55 and Maple Drive. I have passed it for years and always thought that it should be restored and used for something. I’m not sure what, but something. Years ago I had an actor friend who was going to take on the project of fixing the church and making it into something for actors. Perhaps a play house. She never did complete that dream. I’m not sure that she even ever started it.
A few years ago I passed the building and it looked like somebody had opened an antique store nearby and was storing antiques in the building. But the last time I passed there just a couple of months ago, the building looked empty again. I'm not sure who owns it or if they have plans for it, but I hope so.
I don't know the structural integrity of the old church, but it sure looks like it has great bones. If you could decide what to do with the building, what you you put there? A community center? That play house that my friend was hoping for? An awesome residence? I’d love to hear your ideas. Who knows? Maybe something positive will happen, and that would be great.