Who doesn't love Twinkies?

If you don't know, I am a snack junkie. I love pretty much all cake type snacks.

My favorite brand has got to be Entenmanns, I love their butter pound cake and chocolate covered donuts. I could eat an entire box in one sitting. So good!!!!

Another one of my favorites growing up was the classic Hostess Twinkie. I could down like 7 or 8 at a time, no problem.

According to Uproxx, the geniuses over at Hostess just rolled out brand new Twinkies ice cream and I gotta find some of this NOW!

The ice cream is on sale at Dollar General stores across the country and it looks like some smaller convenience stores will have the ice cream thru the month of May.

Hostess also made ice cream flavors based on Ding Dongs, Sno Balls, and those cupcakes that have cream in the middle and a squiggly white line of frosting on top.

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